
Editorial Board

The Aesop InPlanning General Editorial Board is the main responsible body on behalf of Aesop with regard to InPlanning's functioning, exposure, development and quality. The Board meetings discus items as the newly developed journal guide; the InPlanning Publishing Agreement for authors and guidelines on how to publish in the InPlanning PhD series.

General edit board small

The General Editorial Board will meet twice a year. The board has a Chair, a Secretary and a Treasurer, aside from members representing the country editorial boards. The Chair is responsible for interactions with the Editor in Chief of InPlanning and the Aesop Exco and CoRep. Members of the board are strongly encouraged to make sure having the means to participate in the meetings.


The Aesop InPlanning General Editorial Board consists of the following representatives:

> Camilla Perrone

> Mervi Ilmonen

German language region:
> Andreas Voigt

> Leonie Janssen Jansen

> Paulo Silva

> Tijana Dabovic

> Alex Deffner

> Aysegul Ozbakır

Country editorial Boards

Central to InPlanning's institutional design and development are the editorial boards by country or by language region. These editorial boards are the inspiring force to make use of InPlanning in the best possible way, while assuring its (academic) qualities.

Each related country or language region on InPlanning establishes and maintains its own country editorial bord. The head of the country bored is the representative for the General Editorial board. The country editorial boards are responsible for inviting and / or accepting journals, magazines, books, phd theses, documents, reports, videos, posters, documentaries, animations and such to be put on the platform for being shared with a wider audience.

For more information send an e-mail to:

Technical Team

The InPlanning Technical Team is available to support all country representatives and members of the Aesop InPlanning Editorial Board to work towards country pages on the InPlanningwebsite and a country (or language region) structure, to be used and further developed per country.