Publishing Services
See what we can do for you
As a digital publishing platform InPlanning can offer various services. We can publish your spatial planning book, thesis, MOOC or other publication and make it visible to the entire planning community. Digitally as an e-book, but also in good old print! Our services constitute of publishing your publication as an e-book or publication or printed in hard copy on demand.

We are particularly interested in publications that target researchers, students and professionals in The Netherlands and Flanders. InPlanning publications include:
Study books
InPlanning is dedicated to ensuring high-quality education on spatial planning in the Dutch and Flemish planning schools. To this end, we publish high-end textbooks on (Dutch) spatial planning theory and practice used in the education programmes of the Dutch planning schools;
PhD series: InPlanning is the premium publisher for PhD students at Dutch planning schools who aim to publish their PhD dissertation as a book. Most PhD dissertations are published in an open access format. The InPlanning platform offers the possibility of a digital publication in full colour, combined with a limited number of hardcopies;
Special issues: on an irregular basis the InPlanning platform publishes special issues, essay series or conference proceedings dedicated to current debates in (Dutch or Flemish) spatial planning. Special issues are peer-reviewed and coordinated by the editorial board.
More information? Contact us via our Editorial Board.
Digital publishing
We offer the opportunity to publish high-quality, digital books and dissertations that can be read well on tables and other digital devices.
Open access
InPlanning embraces the Open Access model as pursued by Dutch and Flemish research institutes. We also offer the possibility of charged publications for the lowest possible price, since we are not a commercial publisher but as foundation UPE still need to cover our expenses for hosting the website, responding to requests, making graphic formats for books, PhD theses and other special issues, and publishing items.
You are invited to make your book as attractive as possible, with plenty of space for images, photos, tables and schemes. Our e-books are also open for videos and animations. For example: you can present your book yourself in a video which could function as the preface of the book, allowing your audience to have the best possible idea about the author and his or her ideas and intentions.
Wonderful design at low costs
Alongside low costs and positioning your book at the centre of the planning community, InPlanning offers you a third major advantage. Your publication will have a wonderful design, like all other InPlanning publications. You have invested a huge amount of energy in producing your manuscript. The presentation of all that hard work deserves excellent design, including a cover which will attract attention and garner interest immediately. In close collaboration with the InPlanning Technical Team you will see your text transformed into a stunning publication. A dialogue between participants will follow through which we jointly identify the best way of expressing the theme of the publication into an attractive and appropriate design for your book.
Further information and guidelines
Do you believe your publication would make a good contribution to the InPlanning platform? Please let us know! Do you have some questions remaining? We are happy to answer them for you. Use the contactform and us your proposal or question.